I finally got to spend the majority of a weekend home with my beautiful fur babies! I couldn't be happier with the gift of their presence. Friday after work, I made myself dinner, grabbed a beer, and cuddled up in bed with Nilla and Daisy to watch
The Hunger Games. Whenever I walk into the apartment, Daisy jumps up on her back legs, begging for attention. It always puts a smile on my face to see her so excited, just because I'm home. It's a truly beautiful quality that dogs possess. With Daisy though, it seems that as soon as you acknowledge her, she no longer wants the attention. She wants to move on and jump to the next thing...must be a puppy thing. So what do I do? I hold her real tight and make her love me.

Nilla on the other hand stays relaxed. She is in it for the long haul. Coming home Saturday, my routine was much the same. I stopped to get dog food for the girls, and Panda for me (because Panda fixes everything and I also might have an addiction problem). While the dog food bag was a bit of a distraction, I still won Nilla's attention. She was all too ready to jump back in bed with me while I ate dinner and watched the next movie,
Catching Fire. Nilla never used to lay in bed with me if doors were open and there were other areas of the house to explore, but now she seems glued to my side more than ever. I even caught her yawning this week!

Sunday was another one of those days were you just can't figure out where the day went until it's already gone. While I spent most of the morning around the apartment, I did have to make the dreaded drive to Peoria to meet with my social media group. Getting back into town later that night, I decided I might as well finish what I started Friday. I stopped at Redbox and picked up The
Mockingjay. Nilla and Daisy were also excited to finish the marathon, so it was a winning situation for all of us. Whether it's watching movies, cleaning, cooking, or just doing homework, it's always better with my girls at my side. I love seeing them curled up together next to me...as content as I am.