This past week was really good for me after all of the stress in the previous weeks. I finally was caught up on a lot of my school work, and had a decent amount of down time at home with the family. I got some much needed couch time with my Nilla bear! She loves to be right up in my business and on this day, decided that laying on my head was the best way to go. I love that *not so* little dog.
We even caught a couple of movies with friends. The Visit was first and I absolutely loved it....kind of strange, definitely freaky, and unexpectedly humorous. We also went to see The Scorch Trials; I have to admit, there was something about this movie that really disappointed me. I loved The Maze Runner and this movie was nothing like the first, there was a lot of action though!
As for the dogs, They got to hang out with dad while I was at work on Saturday. One of my favorite things about Lucas is that he always keeps me updated on life at home while I'm gone. I love that he helps me stay connected with not only him, but our fur babies too!
Sunday morning, since I had my first day with no school or work since before school started, we made breakfast together and just really enjoyed each others' company. Needless to say, our feast was way too big and the girls got their own share of waffles. Daisy also decided it was okay to drink out of my cup of apple juice when I walked away. I wasn't exactly happy at this addition to Sunday breakfast.

As for the beginning of this week, I came home with some serious studying that needed to be done on Monday. My little Daisy duke decided that she needed to have some attachment issues, so she ended up curled up between my legs for hours while I studied, did some homework, and most importantly, looked at engagement rings (hey, Lucas told me to show him what I liked, so it's okay). As this week goes on, the most important thing I remember is that it is one more week gone before graduation! [It was exciting this week for it to be exactly three months away!!]