Well. That time of the year is here at last. It's after Thanksgiving so there is no more holding back on Christmas music, decorations, shopping, presents, or cooking. Daisy gets to experience her first year at Christmas time, and I think she is loving it already. Nilla on the other hand, has seen it all before. She's my dog who sits and thinks she's made the naughty list because of that time she barked for an hour straight, that time she scratched the hell outta my face, or that favorite pair of underwear she destroyed. Don't worry guys, Santa will be good to her...he always is.

Daisy on the other hand (ya know, the one who has actually been tearing the apartment to pieces) thinks she does no wrong. I mean who could blame her, she's absolutely adorable in all ways. She is experiencing Christmas with mom on a hyper level. Nothing can be done without her. Not the cooking, not the cleaning, not the decorating, and definitely not the gift wrapping. Over the Thanksgiving break, my mother gave me and the girls new minion pillowcases (they are to die for...so cute)! Well, Daisy loves them. My roommate captured quite possibly my favorite picture of Daisy and me, curled up on our new pillows. Needless to say, her tongue isn't short by any means. Haha.
The girls have started their Christmas lists and so far, this is what they have: a self-filling water bowl, bones and antlers, did someone say treats?, and of course...TOYS. (If you've learned anything about me so far, you know these girls will get it all, and probably more).