Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Vanilla and Spud break for Fall

As Fall Break began, so did the plague.  I spent the entire weekend sick and sleepy.  Though I made it to and through my work days, coming home to my girls really got me through.  I had all of these plans to be productive over Fall Break, to do so many things.  But unfortunately, life doesn't always work out the way we plan.  Daisy always has the biggest smile on her face and is right there wagging her tail for approval.  I love this little face and that big ol tongue.

I'm sure I've mentioned before that Nilla is my best friend in the world.  The good thing about best friends is that they are always there when you need them most.  They're there when you're celebrating, but most important, when you need a pick-me-up, they are right there at your side.  This is exactly how Nilla is for me.  She recognizes when I'm sad or lonely or most recently, sick.  I spent the majority of my days and nights in the recliner to help my breathing.  Nilla always laid right beside me, but eventually she just wanted to be closer and jumped right up on my lap!

Though I'm starting to feel better, (thank you Tylenol severe cold and flu) I now have to get right back into the swing of school, homework, and assignments.  We are dangerously close to the two month mark till graduation and we all couldn't be more excite! 

OH! Yay for finishing my Hootsuite Certification yesterday!

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